Life is a journey on a winding road we must all travel. Many times when we are on the journey called life, we can see what is directly ahead and are inclined to make choices that will positively impact our future, leading to success. When what awaits us is right before us, even when we are tired and feel like giving up, because of the breathtaking views ahead we manage to push ourselves to do our best, to find the energy to make it to the next checkpoint. When we are on the straights in life, we are confident, driven and bold. The reassuring presence of family/genuine friends that are hard to find that we meet along the way that wants us to succeed and incentives in the forms of goals we set for ourselves that are being realized pushes us to move forward to what we can see.
If you ask me, having family and friends that care is truly a blessing we often take for granted. Imagine how many people in this life have lost hope because they have no one to cheer them on or to help them when they are faced with an impassable mountain they must climb to move forward on this journey called life. However, many times we are left alone when we need support the most. Let us be honest; each individual has a life to live and cannot always be present for each and every milestone we will encounter. At times because of the pride and the fear of coming off as being weak, we tend to put the best outside painting a picture that we are okay when inside we are dying.
On the straight, there are distractions you must be aware of. You will meet people that will encourage you to join them on the banks because of their fear of venturing off into the unknown where great possibilities are awaiting. Some know they are meant to go further but are afraid of letting go what they can see for what they cannot see. Some people are observers waiting to see you fail to feel better about themselves. There are also people on the banks of the straights that do not wish to be helped they want to remain where they are hiding behind circumstances, pain and hurt. During my journey on the road called life, I have come to realize that the experiences we don’t want to talk about or even remember when we are on the straight looking back, should be used as a powerful force propelling us forward. A force so powerful it wedges a distance between us and the experiences we believed almost crippled us. The experiences we crawled away from until we found the strength to walk again. Rough seasons serves the purpose of propelling us further ahead into our future.
I would advise from my own experience on this journey called life for us all to leave the baggage behind. Leave the pain, rejection, do forgive, don’t ever compare yourself to anyone and always remember it is never too late to start over.
On the winding road called life when approaching a bend, you will find that you have less support because people tend to not want to invest their time into what they cannot see or understand, but you must push on following your dreams. When present in the rough terrains called bends of life that are usually heavily wooded with doubts and fears, your mind can become cluttered and crowded with thoughts of failure. You might even feel the need to turn around returning to your comfort zone and to the familiar. If you make up your mind to push forward, fear will be screaming in your ears but do not listen; you are stronger than you think. Remind yourself of the mountains you managed to climb and the chaos you navigated to be where you are now. If you fail to move forward, you will always live with what-ifs in your head for the rest of your life. Today is the day to walk on by faith. Who wants to live being tortured by a mind that wants to be set free dreaming of what could be?
When treading around a defined bend, you must know who you are. When you are on the straight, spend time to understand your self worth having confidence in who you are because you cannot give up at the first sign of trouble/difficulty. You must dig deep inside to find whatever it is you need to inch around the bend. You will make it! I have been faced with situations in which the season was telling me that this is where it all ends, but I reminded myself of the promises of God to me, and I looked back on all that I endured by faith and hope came alive. Remember never give up because on the journey called life we will have our share of walking on straights and around bends and if we keep moving by faith our change will come.
This journey of life is full of surprises unexpected bends, but I am here to reassure you that they are not impassable. With God, all things are possible.
Thanks for sharing
You are so welcome.