Dear Friend,
When you wait on the God of impossibilities, you must wait by faith with unwavering hope in His faithfulness that He really places His word above His name. Friend, wait, believing that your Father’s name is the God of Armies. Nothing or no one can touch a hair on your head without His consent. Friend, His plans are yes and amen in Jesus’ finished work on the cross!

Friend, we have to stand firm in our faith, Knowing that if we are thrown into the dens of life, the mouths of the lions we face must remain closed because of the divine order upon our lives. Nothing can change the plans of God for our lives and Friends; His plans towards us are good!
When the enemies plotted against Daniel to have him killed, the king made a decree that worked in their favour. Anyone who prayed to anyone but the king for thirty days would be thrown into the lion’s den to die. Daniel had a relationship with God and could not help but speak with the God who listens and hears three times per day! Friend, when we walk in the will of God, let us be confident in the fact that the will of God for our lives overrides every evil earthly agenda. Put your trust completely, friend, in the Living God who created everything and is in charge of everything.
When Daniel was placed in the lion’s den, a stone was placed over the mouth of the den so that his earthly situation would not change. Friend, no matter what you are going through, no matter how dismal it seems, we serve a God who promises to rescue us from the Fowler’s snare.
The earthly king made a decree that was surely a death sentence for Daniel. The God of the universe was with Daniel. The God who made the lions that were meant to devour Daniel had the last say.
All human attempts made by the king to save Daniel failed. When we find ourselves in situations that feel like all earthly hope is gone, remember we serve a God who specializes in creating a way where there seems to be no way. Our Heavenly Father is never caught off guard; we are. Daniel spent a night in the den of the hungry lions, but when he was lifted out, there were no wounds on him because he trusted God.
In the end, the men who had falsely accused Daniel were thrown into the lion’s den with their families.
When the king saw how God Showed up and rescued Daniel, he made another decree.
Daniel 6:25-27
Then King Darius wrote to all the nations and peoples of every language in all the earth: “May you prosper greatly!” “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom, people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. “For He is the living God, and He endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed, His dominion will never end. He rescues, and He saves; He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”
Today, Friend, I know Our God is still the greatest lifeline there is. He will also rescue us when we feel like all hope is gone. Our Father has promised to save us when we find ourselves pressed against the walls of life. Like Daniel, pray to your Heavenly Father because our Father is faithful, He listens, and He delivers.
I hope these words of encouragement are helpful for you or someone you know.
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Thinking out loud Because life is better shared!
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