Dear Friend,
Growth brings about uncomfortable changes and forces us to leave our comfort zones.
Most of the time, we are reluctant to let go of what we know for the possibilities we cannot see, which calls us to exercise great faith! “The just shall live by faith!”
Romans 1:17 “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
This plant was given to me a little over a year ago in the most painful chapter of my life.

As my plant grew, I realised the pot I was given it in was getting small, and I would have no choice but to move it into the garden so that it could send out its roots to grow and reach its full potential.
At times, we are planted in an environment and based on what the Lord has in store, we cannot remain where we are. What nurtured us when we were starting to grow, sending out our roots is now a barrier to growth, and if we are to reach our full potential, moving on is crucial.
At times, friends, for the greater good or to tap into our divine purposes, we will have no choice but to leave our comfort zones.
Eaglets will never understand their potential to soar high above storms, sitting and being fed in a nest! So the Holy Spirit comes in and nudges.
So we are transplanted, and we know the move was a move of God. When we get to our new environment, we see nothing happening; our dreams and the promises of God do not match what is manifesting around us.
We become flustered and believe God is not working fast enough. Sometimes, we complicate things by trying to help out our situation when it seems things are not progressing according to the promises of God or the desires in our hearts that are Good.
We move back to the known, if possible, in fear. A place where there will be no growth! We settle for safety and the lack of peace that comes with the question, “What if…?”
This plant was removed from its pot for over a year, and it stopped blooming. ( The plant is a plant that blooms all year round.) I watched it month after month and thought, “It was blooming when it was given to me, so there must be something wrong with the soil.”
I watered and hoped, but nothing was in sight to indicate that the plant was doing what it was meant to do.
It was not dying, and I watered it with the intention of moving it when I found a suitable spot.
The rains came in the spring and watered the plant, so I was not checking on it daily. A storm came, and the plant endured. The roots were now sturdy.
I was enduring what I considered the worst day of my life to date. I did not know how I would make it through. I looked from my window into the garden and realised that my flower was blooming. God used my plant, which had been removed from its pot and placed in a new environment for an entire year with no significant change, to encourage me.
I learned from the journey of my plant that God will make everything beautiful in its time!
Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
Stand your ground in the place where God has placed you in faith!
The spirit realm is more real than the one we live in, and our change is coming! I believe when our change comes, it will be a change so great we will be overwhelmed because where the Lord guides, He provides! His provisions are built into His promises!
There was nothing wrong with the soil. The nutrients the plant needed were there all along.
The environment was perfect for the plant, and I just needed to be patient.

My plant was working on its root system while I focused on its fruit system!
Friend, be patient because the root system determines the harvest!
I write this to encourage you today and to remind you that our God is not slack on His promises, and though the promise tarries wait!
Habakkuk 3:2 “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie. Though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not tarry.”
Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
For the person in a season of life who feels nothing of significance is unfolding or like everything is working in the lives of those around them (I can guarantee you that despite how life might appear from our limited view, we all have seasons of waiting as well!) but not for them, keep your eyes focused on Jesus if you know for a fact you are positioned where God wants you.
How do we know if we are in the will of God?
When in the will of God, there is a peace that passes all understanding. A peace that makes no sense!
My prayer for us today
Dear Father,
We thank you today for the gift of life. We thank you for being faithful and trustworthy. We thank You, Father, that we can trust You when we do not understand because your plans for us are good!
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Father, help us to stand firm on Your promises that have been spoken over our lives.
Help us to be steadfast and unwavering like Abraham, whose faith did not weaken despite the condition of his body.
Romans 4:19: “Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead.”
Lord, grant us wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Holy Father, open our spiritual eyes and ears so that we may trace Your hands moving on our behalf and hear Your comforting words that You speak into our spirits when we need encouragement the most in our seasons of waiting.
Help us to be still in Your presence as we
Wait on You. Help us to rest in Your loving arms.
Help us to see that when we are our weakest, that’s when You are strong.
Help us to stand in Your will and not waver. Give us bold faith! The faith that is sure that You will do what You have promised in Your words!
Psalm 138:2 “I will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name For Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.”
Help us to understand that whatever you have allowed or whenever you allow us to wait will make our faith stronger. As we wait, place a hunger for Your word in us. Those who meditate on Your word are like trees planted by water.
Psalm 1:1-3: “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.”
Father, the laws of nature were created by You and must give way to You. You are our miracle-working God.
Today, I declare that as we wait, what surrounds us is insignificant, even when it seems impossible and impassable. What comes our way must yield to your appointed time.
Today, I declare that we will be cities without walls when we walk out, climb over or walk through the circumstances we are faced with.
Zachariah 2:4-5 “Then the angel who was speaking to me left, and another angel came to meet him and said to him: “Run, tell that young man, `Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the great number of men and livestock in it. And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the LORD, `and I will be its glory within.”
Thanks for this opportunity that is cultivating and developing our patience and our prayer life! Coming to You and talking to You is a Jesus-given privilege, and we are thankful.
I do hope you are blessed by these words.
Feel free to share with anyone that you feel these words will encourage. Thinking out loud because life is better shared!