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Prayer is an Effective Tool on the Powerful Life-Changing Journey of Motherhood

February 25, 2025 No Comments

Prayer is such an effective tool on the life-changing journey of motherhood. After all, it is talking to the one who created your little ones and knows what and why He created them.

Long before we are faced with anything pertaining to our children, God has the big picture. He also has the final say on how things will play out in our lives!

Are you practising and developing the habit of prayer as a Christian mother and wife?

Mom, Friend, I encourage you to make praying for your children and family a daily habit!

Pray when you feel weak. 

Pray when you do not have answers. 

Pray when you feel afraid. 

Pray when you don’t know what to do.

Pray when you feel like a failure.

Pray when you are feeling overwhelmed 

Pray when you feel the hard seasons are too much to bear.

Pray when the lord has you in a season of rest!

Pray, pray, pray!

Jesus saw the need to withdraw from the crowds and spend time with His Heavenly Father!

Friend, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and power and against the rulers of darkness in high places.

When we refuse to pray, it does not mean we are not being engaged by the kingdom of darkness. When we are tired or in seasons of prayerlessness, the enemy is still ruthless!


Pray, Mother, for divine wisdom for your family.

Pray for divine arrangement!

Pray for divine protection!

Pray that the steps of your family members may be ordered!

Pray against every weapon formed!

Pray for divine insights so that you will know how to pray more effectively!

Pray for spiritual clarity!

Pray for divine reinforcement!

Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you!

Pray for the will of God to unfold in your life.

Pray for supernatural strength to do the will of God.

Rage war on the kingdom of darkness with your prayers, Mother Friend!

Friend, you don’t need to go in a closet to pray or be in a quiet place! Let prayer be a constant conversation you have with God all the time! Talk to your Heavenly Father in sighs, groans, words or sentences! He understands your heart! 

Many days, my prayer is, “Father, please Help me!” He understands what I mean more than I do when I say those four words. If I were to take the time to pray a lengthy prayer, He would still understand it more than I do! He understands my heart more than I do! Whatever your heart’s cry is, friend, you can never understand it like He does!

Talk to Him! He is waiting for you!

Thinking out loud because life is better shared!


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Kimberlee Wright

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Kimberlee Wright

I am a Christian mother, wife, sister and friend that has chosen to share my life and the lessons learned with the world. Life is not easy to navigate and if I can help others to navigate challenging seasons I will be counting it as accomplishing my life’s purpose because we are our brothers' and sisters' keepers. Read More

Kimberlee Wright


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