We read/quote Philippians 4:6-7, which states, “Be anxious for nothing!

But on a daily basis, do we apply this word to our lives?
We become flustered when we are unable to accomplish what we want to do in the timeframes we set for ourselves.
We become so hard on ourselves asking some of the following questions:
- Why can’t I do what I need to do?
- Why does something always come up?
- Why am I not accomplishing the things I plan to do?
- Will I ever have time for me again to do what I love?
These are questions I am sure many busy mothers/wives ask themselves weekly.
I am now a mother of 4 dealing with health issues.
Am I the only one that feels this way?
Sometimes I feel like there are just not enough hours in the day!
I at times, criticize myself for not reaching my goals in this season even though I am focusing on getting well.
We can at times, be so hard on ourselves.
I am constantly using the seasons before this one to beat up on myself because before, I would push myself to do so much and get it done, but in this season, it is completely different.
I am now learning to be gentle with myself.
To not beat up on me because I am in a different season.
You see, all our situations are different; we will get to different places at different times. Do not compare yourself with who you were, and DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS! If you must look back, do so to encourage yourself for what you were able to accomplish!
God has a perfect plan for us all. We will get to where we need to be in His timing.
Read that story for your child for the 10th time. They will not always be small and in need of your time.
Hug your loved ones a little longer.
Lend a listening ear a little longer.
Call that friend that has been on your mind to see if they are ok.
Those with older children have that difficult conversation. End with reassuring your child how much they are loved
Connect with your spouse and let them feel loved.
Be intentional about loving yourself and those you are blessed to have.
Take that 10 minutes or an hour that you need to just declutter your brain.
Most importantly, friend, be anxious for nothing but with prayer and supplication, make your request known to God.
Let tomorrow worry for itself and live in the moment! There will always be a mountain of things fighting for our attention, our energy, our mind space and our time.
Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Today, do what you can and be intentional about creating memories that last.
Thanks for being here!