I am always sharing how rewarding and overwhelming being a full-time mom can be. I love being open and honest about what I am experiencing on my parenting journey to help and encourage others.
When the dishes are piled up, when the children are being told for the twentieth time to pack away their toys or to put their trash in the bin, and as we do loads and loads of laundry, these are days we need grace upon grace.
I often think about mothers who are facing health issues and how they cope from day to day because I know what that feels like.

In the Book Glimpses of Grace, Written by Gloria Furman, my current read, the author highlights that we all struggle as moms and need grace upon grace to parent in a way that pleases our Heavenly Father.
She highlights ways in which we can choose to follow the Biblical definition of love in our homes towards our spouses and children when the early years of motherhood are causing us to question what we got ourselves into and our ability to parent.
The book speaks to the grace and hope we have as we walk through each day in our home with the Lord doing His will.
The author mentions that, as mothers, we talk about what we will do when we get our real life back, not realizing that the enemy is robbing us of the joy of living in the present season we are in.
She quotes Paul Tripp, who states, “If God does not rule your mundane, then he does not rule you because that’s where you live.” “Dramatic events happen a few times in our lives, but the rest of our lives are lived in the common, ordinary, and mundane.“
Home managing, caring for my children, and being a Godly wife and mom are now my ordinary. This is where I live.
She encourages us to glorify God in our ordinary places. So, taking care of my children, my husband and my home is being done unto God.
Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.“
She quotes that we ought to consider our home managing as the creation of a living organism that nurtures the peace of Christ and the righteousness of God.
Do you see how everyday life presents opportunities for our growth to holiness?
God can use the ordinary moments in our lives to glorify Himself by conforming us to the image of His son.
“Dirty dishes in the sink. Crayons smashed into an electrical socket by a curious toddler are not just worrisome occurrences in your otherwise uneventful day. They are opportunities to see glimpses of God’s grace.”
Mother Friend, if you are looking for a book to read to encourage you on your Christian Motherhood journey, I think this book would be timely.
What are you currently reading?
You know I love hearing from you. Feel free to send me a message at any time.
Thinking out loud Because life is better shared!