Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! Today I am so grateful. I feel great freedom, uncontrollable joy and never-ending peace. You might ask “Why are you so happy?” I will gladly tell you that I am happy because GOD, the creator of the universe, has fallen in love with an imperfect person like me. I know you must be thinking what did an ordinary person like her do to receive such favour. How could The Most Holy God love Her? I wonder that myself! Can you imagine, He is loving me when He knows all my shortcomings, not just the ones in my past but the ones that are in my future, because I will never be perfect in this life. Yet still He loves me beyond measure. Isn’t this Amazing Grace?
Today I am reminded by the Holy Spirit the comforter that God justifies the ungodly. Paul, in 1 Timothy 1:15 states “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.”
God, our Loving and merciful Heavenly Father, has the power to treat the ungodly as righteous. Today God is not just trying to love an imperfect person like me. He is loving all of humanity because He did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up for us all. (Romans 8:32) This freedom, joy peace and love that I am feeling can be yours today at no cost because Jesus paid our debt in full! It Is finished! God is not mad at us! All we are called to do is believe! “What are you waiting for if you are not yet saved?”
Romans 4:4-5 states “Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation. However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.” God wants to treat anyone that will come by faith as holy. God makes just those who are unjust. Forgives those who deserve to be punished and favours those who deserve no favour—all of humanity. “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.” (Romans 3:11:12)
Our best righteousness is like filthy rags. You and I are unable to provide what God requires. Your best efforts, my best efforts they are not good enough. Often, when I talk to people who are not yet saved, they will tell me they need to get their life in order before they can be saved. This is a trick from our enemy satan. We cannot fix ourselves today, tomorrow or years to come. Only believing in Jesus can make a difference in our lives. Jesus did not come because we are just. He came to make us just. If there was one among us that could do enough, Christ died for nothing.
“Justifying the guilty is not a human right; it is a miracle that is reserved for God alone.” Charles H Spurgeon
Today for anyone that feels worthless, unworthy, corrupt or like a heap of sin, all is not lost. You can share in this freedom, joy, peace and love that I have found. You can claim this abundance of grace that an imperfect person like me is basking in. Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Matthew 9:12:13 “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
When we accept Jesus’ sacrifice, we can be confident that we have been justified by faith in Christ. Even though we are undeserving, God is treating us as though we are! Today because of this abundance of grace, we can rejoice because we are deeply loved. God has sent His Son to die so that we can approach the Throne of Grace boldly! God met His own requirements for the sins of humanity on our behalf. As I continue to write, I am over the moon happy!
God made atonement for people who can admit that they are sinners in need of His grace and mercy! God will never turn His back on a soul that understands it’s need of Him. I am that soul.
God did not send His Son to die for imaginary sins, but Jesus’ blood was shed to cleanse the crimson stains of real sins of which I am guilty. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can wash away our sins.
I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and saviour, and my sins past, present, and future have been washed away. They have been removed as far as the East Is from the West. God’s grace reaches us when we are ungodly. His grace reached an imperfect person like me! Today He is at the door of your heart, and He is knocking. He will not force Himself in. Open the door of your heart and let Him in. Only good can come to you when the creator of the universe enters your life.
Can you tell that I am a person that has been set free? I am so thankful that when God looks at me, He is seeing His beloved Son on the cross. Today accept The Lord by faith like I did. Believe that He is able to take you as you are forgiving you for your sins past, present and future. God will not forgive you today because you are good, but only because He is good.
Isaiah 55:7-8 “Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on them, and to our God, for He will freely pardon. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
God is knocking at your heart today beckoning for you to come as you are. He wants to receive you just as you are. Come as a sinner, not with any self-righteousness. God justifies the ungodly. Grace is meeting us today at our lowest state.
Please allow the Holy Spirit to love you like He is loving me. I cannot look back on my walk with Jesus and regret it! As I ponder our journey over the years, the Holy Spirit is singing in me.
The Longer I Serve Him
Since I started for the Kingdom,
Since my life He controls,
Since I gave my heart to Jesus,
The longer I serve Him,
The sweeter He grows.
The longer serve Him, the sweeter He grows,
The more that I love Him, more love He bestows;
Each day is like heaven, my heart overflows,
The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.
Ev’ry need He is supplying,
Plenteous grace He bestows;
Ev’ry day my way gets brighter,
The longer I serve Him,
The sweeter He grows.
The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows,
The more that I love Him, more love He bestows;
Each day is like heaven, my heart overflows,
The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.
By: Bill Gaither
Come today So the Lord Can make you Holy. Come and bask in undeserved grace today! Come and experience joy.
Love this article! It’s so strange that I’m reading this today. Just this morning, I found myself spontaneously thanking God even though I’m in a hard place right now in my life. In that moment, I just felt all of his grace and how he’s working things out for my good even though I have no idea how.
Hey Tash,
You are doing the right thing by thanking God. In life we will encounter seasons that make us feel like giving up. The good thing is God never gives us more than we can handle. Whatever you are experiencing will not last. Continue to worship your way out. God is so faithful! You don’t worry about the how. He will create something out of nothing on your behalf! I will be praying for you today. I am so thankful that this article was a blessing to you today!🤗❤️