Dear Tired Mom
Dear Tired Mom, How are you today? Have you been ok mentally, emotionally, physically? When was the last time you were asked how you were doing? You see, by the end of the week, I am extremely tired so I…
Dear Tired Mom, How are you today? Have you been ok mentally, emotionally, physically? When was the last time you were asked how you were doing? You see, by the end of the week, I am extremely tired so I…
This picture marks the day the girls came home from the NICU. To me, it seems as if it was yesterday, but now my girls are walking and talking. As a Christian mother, my deepest desire is for my children…
Are you setting unrealistic deadlines for yourself based on who and where you were? Two questions have been on my mind, and I am going to ask them.Do you set deadlines/timeframes for yourself based on who and where you were…
I wish I could tell you otherwise, but the truth is, life will be challenging at times! What you are facing or have faced in your life is not uncommon. Ecclesiastes 1:9 “What has been will be again; what has…
Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend. This morning I just want to encourage you all to start where you are. Let us start by changing the patterns in our minds that we took years to…
As we are transitioning into a new year, I was wondering what I should write to wish you all a Happy New year. I did not want to write until I figured out what God wanted me to say. 2020…
When we look into nature, different living things take different times to reach to what we consider their full potential. For example: Look at plants, some take years to grow and live for many years. Some grow, proliferate and die…
Over the last few weeks, I have been watching the world prepare for the holidays. After all, the December holidays did not originate in Christianity. I have been in and out of stores. I see Santa, I see elves, I…
Over the last few years of my life, I have been blessed to have made a few lasting friendships, most of which are with women that are older than I am. Women that God placed in my life to help…
As I climbed the stairs I could feel the tears building up behind my eyes. I moved as quickly as I could. I did not want my husband or son to see me crying. The day was so rough and…