Dear Mother Friend,
On my motherhood journey, I am learning that Motherhood is a part of God’s eternal plan for my life.
What are you learning where you are on your journey?
Motherhood does not occur parallel to God’s call for my life or your life, but if we examine our motherhood journeys closely, we realise that they are a part of our loving Father’s plan to propel us into our divine destinies. Motherhood is an effective tool for shaping us into what God intends us to be and preparing us for what is ahead.
I have matured as a mother by understanding that my role has not put my life on hold but has propelled me into a life with more profound meaning and purpose.
What is one way in which you have matured?
Motherhood has not placed my life on hold but is pushing me to become a better version of myself.
I am chosen by God to live a life that requires me to love and consistently give of myself to the next generation. I am chosen to impact my children’s lives and, in turn, impact generations to come if the Lord tarries.
I am beginning to understand the eternal implications of motherhood.
Knowing my parenting will affect the future does not make me afraid because God never intended me to figure it out alone or with my husband. Motherhood is meant to be a partnership. Motherhood is depending on the one who has the master plan for all of humanity.
I can honestly say that becoming a mother is one of the greatest blessings I am sure I will enjoy in this lifetime. Motherhood is not easy, yet it is so rewarding.
I have often asked myself on my journey if I am doing enough.
Some days, I feel like I have messed up so badly.
Then I think to myself,
“Will I ever get this right?”
“Will they love me for a lifetime?”
“Am I doing the best I can?”
These are questions I ask whenever I feel overwhelmed or do things in my strength.
Now, I am practising consulting the Lord in all things. He has the plan for my children’s lives, and things are unfolding as He desires.
When I feel like I am not enough, He reminds me I am, and He chose me for this particular role. When I think I have messed up, He reminds me that He is in control, that His grace is sufficient, and that all things work together for those who love the Lord. My shortcomings will never hinder the plans of God.
When I was a new mom and felt overwhelmed, I dreamed of the time I would be free again to use my time to do what I pleased, but it is not so anymore, and I know it is because God has my attention.
Friend, the days are indeed long, but the years are so short!
Dreaming of being free or having all my free time was not because I did not love my children, but when changes make us uncomfortable, it is natural to want what was so that we might feel safe.
We spend years building and working out what we believe our lives should look like or what society tells us our lives should look like. But the will and purposes of God will stand.
God, in all His wisdom and sovereignty, steps into our lives with His eternal plan, introduces us to the precious souls we are being entrusted with, and our perspectives change!
We start looking at life differently because we now understand it is not just about us anymore!
Friend, I no longer dream of the season of being my old self. I know I will never be that person again.
This season, I am pressing into God, and now my understanding of the Mission of Motherhood runs deeper than my selfish desire to be free.
I am now building a life with not just myself in mind but also my children, eternity, and the will of God that will be established. I am now aware that it is not by might or power but by the Spirit of the Lord! What He instructs us to build is what will last.
I now ask my loving Father: “What do you want me to learn here?” “What do you want me to see?” “How do you want me to parent our children?” “What are the things that are important to you?” “What brings them closer to you?” “When all is shaken, what will count in eternity?” I do this consistently in prayer.
In this season, the Holy Spirit is revealing to me that I am chosen for the opportunity of a lifetime. His perfect plan for my life is directly intertwined with my calling to be a mother to our children. It is the very same for you.
God formed our children with exactly what we need, and we have exactly what they need in us.
We are not in each other’s lives by chance. God saw fit to put us together, and He made no mistake.
The more I grow as a mother, the more I understand that God has a perfect plan for all our lives. He just wants our full attention. He wants us to turn and keep our eyes on Him on the days when we feel weak or have no clue what we are doing. He knows where He intends our motherhood journey to take us and lead our children.
Our Heavenly Father is saying to us as mothers today, “It was always my plan to walk with you every step of the way!” “I never intended for you to figure things out or reach a place where you feel lost and have no clue what to do.”
“This journey of motherhood is designed to pull you closer to me.” “My hands are stretched out, and I am waiting.” “Let us walk together.” “I know where this journey is meant to take you.”
Thinking out Loud because life is better shared!